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District-wide assessments will be conducted throughout the year.  Students will be required to complete the following tests:

  • SBAC

    • The Smarter Balanced assessments (SBAC) are a key part of measuring student progress in grades 3-8 towards success in college and career. The computer-adaptive assessments provide meaningful data for teachers and parents to help students succeed. The assessments are aligned with the Nevada Academic Content Standards in ELA and mathematics. Results from SBAC are included on the Nevada Report Card.


    • The 4th Grade MAP Test is a computerized test that measures the student’s abilities in math, language usage, and reading comprehension.  The test is adaptive, which means that if one question is answered correctly the next question becomes harder; if the question is answered incorrectly, the next question becomes easier. 

    • This test is taken once in September, December, and May.


    • Students take AIMSweb tests in reading and math in September, December, and April. 

    • This test will also be used for progress monitoring if your child is performing below grade level in reading and math.  I will administer it on a weekly basis.

  • STAR Reading Test  

    • This test, which is taken once a month, is designed to gauge the reading comprehension skills and abilities of students. 

    • Data from this test determines whether your child is reading at grade level or not.  I will also be able to monitor your child’s progress based on their monthly scores. 

    • The data will also help determine the reading level for your child so that they can choose the appropriate level of books to read.

Progress Reports and Report Cards

Parents can check their child’s progress by simply logging on to the parent portal (click on the Infinite Campus logo on Once on the parent portal, enter the appropriate Login ID and password, click on classes, and click on grades. 


Report cards are issued at the end of each twelve weeks.You will receive your child’s progress report once every three weeks and a final report card once each semester.  These reports will includes grades for class work, tests, and participation based on the following scale:

Summative Assessments: 80% of grade
Formative Assessments: 20% of grade
90-100%=A    80-89%=B    70-79%=C    60-69%=D   59% and below =F

PE / Music / Library / Art /  STEM (Specials)

  • Student will receive a grade from each of their specials teacher.

  • Student will receive either an N (needs improvement), S (meets expectations), or an E (exceeds expectations).

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